Friday, September 13, 2019

Object Photography: Brusletto Knife and BradyGames GTA IV Guide

In my object (not abject, mind you!) photography, here come a Brusletto hunting knife and a massive GTA IV BradyGames gaming guide!

As I said, don't ask me for the exact model of the knife - it's one of the Bruslettos, that's all I know.

Actually, it's been suggested that the model is a Norgekniven.

However I am not sure: true, it looks very much like it but mine is 10 to 7 years old, so could be a different earlier model.

HoroLex: Охотничий нож Brusletto и Brady GTA IV Guide: Вот вам охотничий нож Brusletto и гид Brady Guide по прохождению GTA IV, помните такую? Некоторые считают, что моде...

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